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CAcert.org is a community-driven Certificate Authority that issues certificates to the public at large for free.
CAcert's goal is to promote awareness and education on computer security through the use of encryption, specifically by providing cryptographic certificates. These certificates can be used to digitally sign and encrypt email, authenticate and authorize users connecting to websites and secure data transmission over the internet. Any application that supports the Secure Socket Layer Protocol (SSL or TLS) can make use of certificates signed by CAcert, as can any application that uses X.509 certificates, e.g. for encryption or code signing and document signatures.
If you want to have free certificates issued to you, join the CAcert Community .
Se você quer usar certificados emitidos pela CAcert, leia a Licença de Distribuição da Raiz CAcert.Esta licença aplica-se ao uso das chaves raiz da CAcert.
Testcampaign 1260 and children
This is branch test-1442, intended to test bug-1260, bug-1305 and some other issues, related and unrelated..
Merged in children are bug-1442.
Additional changes:
2022-03-25: Merged in changes from bug-769
2022-01-06: Merged in update for bug-1533 from alkastner
2021-08-08: Merged in bug-1473 (PGP keys should be signed with SHA256)
2021-08-07: Merged in bug-1533 (update hashes in CAP forms)
2019-09-26: Merged in bug-1423 (remove link to Open Architecture Netword)
2019-09-21: Merged in bug-1440 (change link to data protection policy)
2019-07-26: Merged in bug-775 (2 years lifetime for all org certificates)
2019-05-14: Merged in post-installation changes in preparation of a follow-up
2019-03-31: Another change in bug-1305: removed sub-header
2019-03-31: Once more the changes of bug-1305 have been merged in
2019-03-12: Recent changes of Brian in bug-1305 (postal address in CAP/COAP forms) are now merged in
2019-03-01: Mail checking re-activated, improvements to error reporting
2019-01-18: Now bug-1305 is fully merged in, not only the cherry picked cap forms as before.
2019-01-03: Disabled mail address checking, so it is possible to create new accounts now
2018-12-16: More changes from bug-1305 (cap forms): CAcert address and fingerprint format
2018-12-12: More changes from bug-1305 (cap forms)
2018-12-01: Once more cherry-picked cap form changes from bug-1305
2018-11-27: Cherry-picked bug-1305 (the cap/coap-forms only)
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Detalhes da conta bancária da CAcert:
- Account Name: CAcert Inc
- BSB: 032073
- Account No.: 180264
Se você quer participar da CAcert.org, de uma olhada aqui e aqui.